“ABC (Arts/Borders/Communities) - The Alphabet of Love” is a large project consisting of a complex programme of actions aimed at developing multidisciplinary and cross-border artistic activities to experiment and enhance cultural and social practices and methodologies focusing on the concept and practice of hospitality. It is coordinated by Eufonia (Italy), in cooperation with the Instytut Im. Jerzego Grotowskiego (Poland), the Centre Culturel Aykart (Tunisia), the Fundación de la Danza ‘Alicia Alonso’ of the University of Madrid ‘Rey Juan Carlos’ (Spain), JU Muzeji i Galerije Podgorice (Montenegro) and the AVR LAB of the Department of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento (Italy). 
The value and culture of hospitality, in its many forms and traditions, form the basis of the project on which a rich system of actions is developed, supported by 3 fundamental pillars: 

  • the creation of a trilogy of international theatre productions with the participation of performers, dancers, musicians, and reality engineers from all over Europe, inspired by three works by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes;
  • the dissemination of the three international productions, performed in prestigious theatres and important archaeological sites in 5 different countries, with the realisation of 5 spatial augmented reality installations dedicated to the cities involved in the 5 countries; 
  • the realisation of 5 International Host Labs in 5 countries, consisting of a 7-month programme of on-site activities and hosting of foreign artists and artistic works.