Augmented and Virtual Reality Laboratory (AVR Lab)

The “Nonlinear Life Summer School” has been launched by Riga Technical University (RTU) in 2017.
This year, the Summer School «Nonlinear Life» is launched by the University of Salento as 2nd Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics and will be hold in Lecce, Italy in cooperation with other 4 European universities (Riga Technical University – Latvia, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – Romania, University Politécnica of Cartagena – Spain, University of Bergamo – Italy, and University Politechnika of Poznan. The Nonlinear Life Summer School 2024 is a satellite event of the International Conference on eXtended Reality 2024.
Lectures will be online from 15th to 19th July and in presence in Lecce from 3rd to 9th September.
Nonlinear Life Summer School 2024: Activities from 4 to 6 September - see the program of the Conference XR SALENTO 2024.