Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione

Augmented and Virtual Reality Laboratory (AVR Lab)

The research activities of the Augmented and Virtual Reality Laboratory (AVR Lab) are mainly focused on eXtended Reality (XR) in Medicine and Surgery, Cultural Heritage and Education. The eXtended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term representing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

AVR Lab is also engaged in the design and development of advanced human-machine interfaces.
AVR Lab is a member of the European Association for eXtended Reality (EuroXR).

AVR Lab has organized the eight editions of the International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (SALENTO AVR).

Currently the AVR Lab has started the new cycle of the International Conference on eXtended Reality (XR SALENTO). The first edition of XR Salento was in July 2022.

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Human computer-interaction: AVR Lab is involved in the Human-Computer Interaction technology (HCI) that makes more simple and intuitive the interaction between user and computer.
XR for Cultural Heritage: The goal of this research activity is the use of Virtual Augmented and Mixed Reality technologies in Cultural Heritage in order to recreate historic sites for educational purposes, special project commissions and showcase features at visitor centers.
XR for Education: The research activity of the AVR Lab are extended to the field of education, which includes the development of applications with the aim of integrating eXtended Reality into new fields of education and to revolutionize the world of learning, involving a wide target audience and, specifically, young people.
XR for Medicine and Surgery: Image processing techniques permit the reconstruction of 3D models of the organs from the medical images of the patient in order to provides detailed information of the inner organs and pathologies and to support surgeons by means of virtual and augmented reality applications.

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Asset Publisher

Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni - 73100, Lecce (Italy) – at
Corpo O - Ecotekne Campus
 Tel. +39 0832 297736



Lucio Tommaso De Paolis

Associate Professor - Research Director

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Corpo O - Ecotekne Campus / Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni - 73100, Lecce (Italy)

Tel. +39 0832 297736 - 7284

Email lucio.depaolis@unisalento.it


Maria Cristina Barba

Laura Corchia

Giovanni D’Errico

Giorgia De Giuseppe

Valerio De Luca

Federica Faggiano

Carola Gatto

Giovanna Ilenia Paladini

Giulia Pellegrino

Ileana Riera Panaro


Journals and Books/Book Chapters Conference Proceedings …..

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